Tablets, tablets oh my! Which one do I choose?
While the Apple iPad 2 still dominates the tablet market competitors are not standing still. 10″ tablets from a number of manufacturers are available to compete with the 9.7″ iPad 2. And unlike the iPad 2 the Android-based tablets offer a choice in screen...It’s official Flash on mobile is dead!
Adobe’s announcement that they will no longer develop Flash for mobile devices was no real surprise. With HTML 5 supported by all mobile platforms it was inevitable. So now if you want your websites to be well read on mobile devices it is time to ditch Flash...Is your email address & password public knowledge?
Do you know if your email address been compromised? Has some someone guessed your super secret password? You know the one that you kept simple so you would not forget it. If you want to know for sure check out this website where your email address can be checked...
The Life and Death of a Laptop Battery
Believe it or not laptop batteries do not last the lifetime of your laptop. They usually have to be replaced at about three years of use. So how do you know how healthy your battery is?