One million websites can’t be wrong
A Fall 2016 survey of 1M websites, that’s right 1,000,000, show some statistically significant results for those interested in search engine optimization (SEO) of their own websites. These results reinforce our own advice to clients that careful attention must be paid to your website content in order to garner the interest that you are looking for.

Word Press Improves Again
WordPress has just released WordPress 3.9 and it includes a number of improvements that make creating and editing your content even easier. Watch this short video below to so much easier managing media and copying content into your pages and blog posts will now be....
Heart Bleed Virus Skips a Beat Here
The Heart Beat virus that was announced to the public two days ago does NOT affect any of our web hosting clients. Our server configurations do not use the version of OpenSSL that was vulnerable to this particular security flaw. That’s the good news. Now the bad...
Speed Kills – Your Competitors
When it comes to websites speed is as important as content in today’s fast-moving world. As people use mobile more and more to see your website you have to make sure that your site is as fast as possible. In order to do this you have many options, too many it some cases. So what can you do?